Ok. So not God or a god in fact as he reminded me upon leaving his glowing presence, 'he is the band and I am the audience'.... I thought about this on the drive home. Wow. He really burst my bubble. I thought I was the band. Damn. And then I thought about the show.
It was great music. "The Band" sounded great and really showed that Ryan is continuing to pushing his music to new heights. Some of the old tunes we spot on and rearranged into something new. I kept thinking I would like own this new version. The new songs were full walls of sound and Ryan's voice raging and then stopping to a whisper and then raging was outstanding. So I enjoyed the music but did I enjoy the show?
The answer is no. I am still trying to pick up the pieces of my fandom so I can't really pin it on one thing. I left the show as part of the audience but i came the show as a Ryan Adams fan.
I saw his "solo cd" release party at the Local 506 in NC (some time ago). It was just him the guitar and the voice. It was an amazing show. He even choked on the song "pick me up" relenting after the nth time a fan from the crowd (not audience) pleaded for it. That night I became a fan of the man, the music and the thoughts he was portraying in his songs. Yes he was drinking and maybe he does not remember that night. But for me, magic.
Earlier that same week I saw another band at the 506 called The Drive By Truckers. They were raw and fun and I enjoyed them when ever they came to town. It is relevant the this discussion because two nights before my recent audience with the blessed Mr. Adams I was in Rams Head Live reveling in another Truckers show (now called simply DBT). It was fun, really fun. People were dancing and singing and moving to the grovin... ok. Also the band was having fun. They were all seated for most of the show I was standing for all of show. They smiled and laughed and passed Jack around and smiled and laughed some more. They took requests (from people up front). Told us how much they loved us... played some more. It was one of the those nights where you don't want to go home. You just want to stay with your friends and sing some songs. The music was great and songs were reworked a bit. I left that show with new CD a tee shirt and a big smile feeling good.
So I am now driving home from DC with the DBT cd playing and deciding that I am not a fan of Ryan Adams anymore. I still love the music and will play the songs but I don't really want to see him again. Will I purchase his music? Maybe. But that is not really the point is it? There is something missing in Ryan's world view of music and fans. Maybe he does not want fans. Maybe he wants a new kind of fan one that sits in an audience claps when he is finished lets him decide what songs he plays, when he plays. A fan that never yells for a song, does not dance in the isle, doesn't drink. Doesn't ever get delusional that he is singing for them or about them or with them. He wants a classical music fan.
He wants the music to stand the test of time not the experience. Well good luck with that. I want the experience too. I like classical music but it ain't rock and roll.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The gorilla...
Something about bunnies... or a bunny

Monday, March 19, 2007
lonely beer....

Sad but true... these fellas are lonely. The crowed was sparse tonight but I also got to the show late (10:00) so I missed a few bands like Shook and Ed Bones that I wish I didn't but hey I had stuff to do. Anyway I did have a few brews to keep these guys company and it turned out to be an ok night of music on the edge of monday.
Juice box heroes... from germany?****

No. They are not from Germany but tonight they had a special (uninvited) guest from Germany who eventually got punted from the bar. But he seem to love the JBH's. I think for good reason. Last week I stated that they played a few covers... Actually this week I talked to the band and all we original. I could have sworn that one of the songs was a cover (the Reihl thing). Their sound is nirvana like but fresh. I enjoyed their set tonight and although they were a little off I am giving them the star of the night for being so good. Their songs are catchy and would do well on the radio... I have asked my friend to get Sony down to take a look. We will see. Until then they are at the 8x10 throughout march so come see them for yourself.
In the moment...

This was actually a three piece band that combined rap with a hard edge rock riffs. I highlight the guitarist because he looks like my nephew but alas is not. Also because he was the difference in the band the lead singer was good but the guitar was the edge that cut through and made you pay attention.

Jim said he had a song for Osama but we wanted to hear about heartbreak so he played a song about his girl who left and about how he is a changing man... I like Jim a lot. He stated that the song was a work in progress and it showed a little... he states that he is a changed man but apparently that does not matter because she has found someone new... I would like to know what he had changed anyway... so Jim if you are not finished yet maybe you can add that in... The last song of his was really good and showed his impressive writing skills...
Piano Man almost...

Yes, I know I am having too much fun with photoshop but hey when you don't have the best camera you have to make thing interesting. This guy was actually both piano and guitar... on guitar he played two light covers and had a decent voice but on the piano he did much better. Did not catch the name but it was a good change up.
Someone has to be last...

Monday, March 12, 2007
Ed Bones

Ed Bones (Teddy) was one of two rap artists to hit the stage tonight... He was late getting on which was too late for Peter Parker who had to get home (maybe next week peter). Ed almost made it as the stand out tonight. I am not a big fan of the sound track for the rap artist but there is not much you can do live with out a whole band here... Anyway Ed is very good and his flow is timed and spaced for maximum impact. But what makes him great is the stories behind the spit. The subject matter is clearly emotional for him but he shows it in subtle ways that draw the audience in ... I am not hip hop guru but I like what I hear. Hear him yourself on myspace: search for ed bones... He is also playing live at Sonar on March 31st so check him out.
Shook ****

Shook was the stand out band for me tonight. I just felt that they had it together and the originals were catchy and left you wanting more. They were also the crowd favorite (with help from their friends) but they deserved it. I am going to crank on the lead signer here as well. Not that he did not have a great voice and sang with passion but at times (more than wise) he tried to carry the tune in falsetto. Falsetto is just hard to pull off period. If you don't have it down it dilutes the whole song. They are playing the Recher Theater in Towson on may 6th and I suggest you check them out if you are in the area.
Juice Box Heroes

This is the new Monday night band for March. I enjoyed their set a lot. They mixed it up with a few covers at least I think they did... as a credit to this band the added their own style to the covers. The lead singer/guitar (Cre Reiht) put some thought into his leads which fit well with the groove that Lorn Phillips was pumping out on the bass. All in all a good show. A stand out for them is their riff making. One song can have 3 or 4 good riffs... seems like they should not fit together in the same song but the heros pull it off. My one crank is on Cre his vocals lack intensity they sound fine but at times you are wanting more power... They are around for all of march so I will get to see them again... You can also check them out www.myspace.com/juiceboxheroesmusic
Carter James
Monday, March 5, 2007
Email is Dead #2
In My Face(book)
So my niece makes a great point in the previous post about facebook and i will add to that myspace. Both of these social sites allow messages, blogs, and basically sharing content. However, they also are about control. If you have not experienced these sites you are probably too old to care about dead email. But they are more the reason to believe in emails demise.
The reason has to do with the success of these sites in the younger generation. Email is not cool. It does not provide the rich content experience. Nor any social power!!! So my niece is correct I am talking about facebook or the future of facebook.
Another Brick in the Wall(garden)
One interesting thing to note... both myspace and facebook are proprietary walled gardens. They have lots of holes but can be plugged very quickly. It got me thinking of AOL - the original myspace and facebook... are we reverting to a walled garden all over again? AOL could have had this business and more if they weren't so concern about being family friendly.... They could have started a sister company LOA (lots of access) and still be in the game. I don't know about walled gardens though as the AOL experiment proves big corporate mindsets and innovation repel. As long as they stay somewhat open in allowing new content and freedom of expression then they should continue their momentum successfully this is because people have put a lot of time investment in their pages and this "ownership" will reduce churn in the face of restrictions - but their is a tipping point.
I Remain Open... I like the open model better (hence netvibes as a recommendation) and like them better for the long term. Besides with authoring mash ups on the rise we are just now seeing the beginning of the Web 2.34509758438 to nth power.... potential. See Techcrunch (one of my fav blogs) at http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/03/02/5-ways-to-mix-rip-and-mash-your-data/
for a glimpse of what is to come...
So my niece makes a great point in the previous post about facebook and i will add to that myspace. Both of these social sites allow messages, blogs, and basically sharing content. However, they also are about control. If you have not experienced these sites you are probably too old to care about dead email. But they are more the reason to believe in emails demise.
The reason has to do with the success of these sites in the younger generation. Email is not cool. It does not provide the rich content experience. Nor any social power!!! So my niece is correct I am talking about facebook or the future of facebook.
Another Brick in the Wall(garden)
One interesting thing to note... both myspace and facebook are proprietary walled gardens. They have lots of holes but can be plugged very quickly. It got me thinking of AOL - the original myspace and facebook... are we reverting to a walled garden all over again? AOL could have had this business and more if they weren't so concern about being family friendly.... They could have started a sister company LOA (lots of access) and still be in the game. I don't know about walled gardens though as the AOL experiment proves big corporate mindsets and innovation repel. As long as they stay somewhat open in allowing new content and freedom of expression then they should continue their momentum successfully this is because people have put a lot of time investment in their pages and this "ownership" will reduce churn in the face of restrictions - but their is a tipping point.
I Remain Open... I like the open model better (hence netvibes as a recommendation) and like them better for the long term. Besides with authoring mash ups on the rise we are just now seeing the beginning of the Web 2.34509758438 to nth power.... potential. See Techcrunch (one of my fav blogs) at http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/03/02/5-ways-to-mix-rip-and-mash-your-data/
for a glimpse of what is to come...
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Email is Dead...
Ok a little pondering while the open mic has been put on hold for a few weeks. Email is dead. I know that it is early to call it but i have seen the future and because you cannot control spam email and the email tool is not smart or flexible it is going to be pushed to the side as a last resort communication device. SMS is already easier for the quick hey and if you want to update people have the subcribe to your blog/ private or public... If you are sharing photos there is a better way to send via email (many photo sharing/video sharing sites for that integrated into your blog)
It is about control and it is about being smart. Ideally when you log on to the net you have a simple page that says... where/what/how do you want to do. You then do things. You have a page where your friends blogs are updated through RSS or some other feed. So you know if there is anything new. If you are working to go to your basecamphq or some other project management site where new files are stored and version controlled, where you can edit online or download (if that is necessary)
The point is communication will be controlled through permission based apps that you will give access to your central nerve page where you have access to fees updates calendars of friend work and other things that interest you. Netvibes is one site that allows this now with limited content. But I see it as something that will be the norm in the future. Forget about email. Feed me what I want to know about.
Email will certainly carry on because the cost is low but increasing people will focus on communicating where they control access and timing of updates completely. Eventually email will be like the news flyers that come in the mail that get use for the cat or dog or bottom of the bird cage. Something to clean up with or clean out on a regular basis....
It is about control and it is about being smart. Ideally when you log on to the net you have a simple page that says... where/what/how do you want to do. You then do things. You have a page where your friends blogs are updated through RSS or some other feed. So you know if there is anything new. If you are working to go to your basecamphq or some other project management site where new files are stored and version controlled, where you can edit online or download (if that is necessary)
The point is communication will be controlled through permission based apps that you will give access to your central nerve page where you have access to fees updates calendars of friend work and other things that interest you. Netvibes is one site that allows this now with limited content. But I see it as something that will be the norm in the future. Forget about email. Feed me what I want to know about.
Email will certainly carry on because the cost is low but increasing people will focus on communicating where they control access and timing of updates completely. Eventually email will be like the news flyers that come in the mail that get use for the cat or dog or bottom of the bird cage. Something to clean up with or clean out on a regular basis....
Monday, February 5, 2007
whysteria cottage
All hail from Brooklyn.. that is Brooklyn, MD ... Ok I have been a little crazy with the photoshop here but if you had heard the band you would understand... Death metal was their trade... Most of the woman moved a little closer to the exit when they started to play... They had a hard sound and true to DM you could not understand 90% of the words but the emotion was there and that is what stood out for me... After the second song I overheard a young girl exclaimed " I like died, twice"
Passion is missing from a lot of music and I give this band props for putting theirs out there for us to hear...
Passion is missing from a lot of music and I give this band props for putting theirs out there for us to hear...
Free CD!!!! Not all are worth it but because VinnyVegas was good I was happy to hang out after and get a copy. The most interesting thing about their music is the blending of style... you can see him but there is a piano player in the middle far right... These guys can play and their songs would shift mid stream to something unexpected which made listening a joy. I hope they come back...
flyingeyes w/o alison
Ok, so now you know that I am playing around with my photoshop. You can't really tell from the photos but a bandmate is missing. Alison could not make it down from PA to be with the band tonight. It is hard on members when they are split out like that... saucybills knows what I am talking about... especially Pat... they had a stand in singer that is quite good but Alison's sound is what we were use to for the last four weeks so not to have her was a let down. I look forward to seeing them more as they have graduated to the 5 for 5 shows at the 8x10. Check them out when you are in town...
sonic-bloom or whoever
Another standout tonight... Their name is going to change and because it sort of belongs to another band... These guys impressed the house so they will be coming back as a feature in March. Now what you see here is the band and it is rumoured that they have a lead signer (woman/girl) who could not make it. Lots of effects on the guitar which hints at a U2 nod but only a slight one as they tore through three well practiced songs. I can't wait to hear what a vocal add can do... Props go out as always to the parents the bassist father was in the house and lets them play at his house...
bensugar ****
Four stars for Ben. He was the outstanding act tonight. Blues acoustic with a lot of feeling. He was great. 2 covers and then one original "pavement" which ended with a "bring our solders home" war murmur. A nice touch and you felt he believed it. He works and goes to school so does not have time to play much but if you hear he is out - get your ticket. He does not have a myspace page and is looking for a band so if you are interested... post it.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Oxygen Lab
I am not sure what to name this band and this brings out my pet peeve about all the bands that come on monday ... Guy/Gals bring a sign. I don't care if it is on a white poster in black magic marker!!!! Promotion starts with the little things. I tried to get this acts name but after several repeated questions am still not sure. I am told they are myspace but could not find them...
Ok the band: I liked their music. Very radio for the current rap scene. The lady on the announced she mixed the beats and interjected with authority. She had more to say in the second song and together they sounded pretty good. It should be noted that they had a sound track playing in the background.. It is very common for rap artist to do this. Bring a CD with full back up vocals and melodies and rap over it. Most mix themselves so this is the only way to play live. It is not much different than karaoke.
I will say that they were not very respectful of the other artist on before them. So on the whole while talented you get points off for disrespecting others trying to do their thing. Its a hard life enough.
Ok the band: I liked their music. Very radio for the current rap scene. The lady on the announced she mixed the beats and interjected with authority. She had more to say in the second song and together they sounded pretty good. It should be noted that they had a sound track playing in the background.. It is very common for rap artist to do this. Bring a CD with full back up vocals and melodies and rap over it. Most mix themselves so this is the only way to play live. It is not much different than karaoke.
I will say that they were not very respectful of the other artist on before them. So on the whole while talented you get points off for disrespecting others trying to do their thing. Its a hard life enough.
The Flying Eyes
Coming off an great show last week I was looking forward to more of the same tonight. I was disappointed a bit. While the sound was there and the lead singer continues to grow on me, I just did not feel the punch that they can deliver as a group. Next monday is their last monday night as a showcase band so I hope they show like I know they can.
Nothing To Hide
I have seen this guy before sans the lead guitar guy on the left. He has a good voice and powerful songs but as you can see never gets off the chair. His partner - I could hardly hear (blame the sound guy) but when I did you could tell he knew his way around the fret. They sounded good together but Nothing to Hide in my humble opinion needs be more expressive in delivery. I am told there is a myspace page and he is worth checking out...
Pick of the night - Pappa T
Pappa T has been playing a long time... He fused rap/reggae and some funk delivering a standout for this Monday. He was accompanied by KMPC and for all I know played covers. Bobby Marley and a melody of rap verses mashed in. My favorite line of the night :
"i am not a gangster, I am just another brother trying to get close to god"
Don't know if it was lifted but it did not matter. Pappa T has "the voice" and you can tell it has traveled far. He sounded great and could be dropped in front of 10,000 people and would be just fine leading them to a musical oasis.
"i am not a gangster, I am just another brother trying to get close to god"
Don't know if it was lifted but it did not matter. Pappa T has "the voice" and you can tell it has traveled far. He sounded great and could be dropped in front of 10,000 people and would be just fine leading them to a musical oasis.
Spiderman... not really but that is what he calls himself. Peterparker was one of 4 rap artists to grace the stage tonight. He was more a poet rap and put together some interesting lines like this one " insomnia is the mother of creation" all in all a good outing for peter. he had some fine beats and flowed well... I hope to see more
the crowd
A view of the crowd. Not much but wanted to give a sense of how full the bar was. Monday night has been picking back up in 07. My guess there were about 30-50 folks out. I say 80% were musicians waiting for there turn to play. Just as there are no aethiest in foxholes (something I don't believe) everyone that comes to an open mic plays... even if they just watch (sans Mom and Dad, of course, but not mine. Right MOM?!!).
This band started with "the thrill is gone"... which showcased the lead singers ample vocal chops. Clean and dirty when she needs it - Kristin's (sp?) voice carried well and backed by the blues notes softly flowing from the guitar - their sould was solid. Mom and Dad were in the house and lets face it folks - support for music starts in the home so heres to all the Mom's and Dads' out there suffering from anxiety about the future of their pride and joy but letting it go anyway... Things to consider: while having a good and a solid band it was clear they have not played together long...timing was off in parts. Also they did not show much stage presence. It will come with time or it won't no telling where it comes from. They could learn something from Flying Eyes the featured band of the night...
The Bar
8x10 has a varied history. You can read about it elsewhere. However I will state that since its renovation/reincarnation and funkbox transition it has been a consistent place find good music. In recent memory The Bridge (who are starting to get recognition) honed their talent with many a night here... This is a shot of the bar area... If you feel like being revived and don't mind the pain in the afterday then get a resurrection ale - 2 and your feeling fine - 3 and you are somebody - 4+ you won't remember so it does not matter anyway.
The Flying Eyes and a neat light effect...
Just wanted to add this photo of the show. They are on tomorrow night at 10:30...
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Mission South ***
This is my pic of the night. Four Stars. I felt that this band was a stand out mainly because I was sure I heard the songs before (Jack Johnson... comes to mind) but they were originals. They are 16 and 17 so they have a long road but already are developing a style that will build. I think the lyrics are mature already... clear and pointed. NIce. The myspace does not do justice so wait for better cuts. But tag em and watch em because they are going to get better and better...
DC Staton
Ok, So this guy plays or sings rather, every monday night. Mostly soul/R&B from the sixties. He can belt a tooooonnnnn and provides a needed break from the mix. Asked him tonight if he would try out for american idol and he let me know that their was an age limit (you have to be under 35!!!) Can you believe that!!! Oh well, I guess it leaves room for a spin off. Idol+35!!! YEAH!!!.
The Flying eyes
Current monday night band at the 8x10. This is the 3rd time I have seen this band. The first time I was not impressed. It may have been the sound system but also the band seemed to be out of sync. Tonight they had it together and the Allison ( the lead signer) was on. The style is hard to describe but in a phrase "psychedelic rock". You can check them on Myspace at www.myspace.com/theflyingeyesmd they sound better live, of course.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Music Happens
It is about one in the east... near east. and I am back from another music experience... as you know (or do now) I see lots of bands and also individuals play. Sometimes it is majic... the kind in boooooks with pointed eared characters - sometimes it is dishwater. Tonight the sparkle was in the air and (reading Eargon?, so my dragons are nigh -forgive) the band tonight was Minos conway. A jam band from DE. They had a full sound and sounded veryveryvery good (3v's). You can check them out on myspace... Time to go.
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