In My Face(book)So my niece makes a great point in the previous post about facebook and i will add to that myspace. Both of these social sites allow messages, blogs, and basically sharing content. However, they also are about control. If you have not experienced these sites you are probably too old to care about dead email. But they are more the reason to believe in emails demise.
The reason has to do with the success of these sites in the younger generation. Email is not cool. It does not provide the rich content experience. Nor any social power!!! So my niece is correct I am talking about facebook or the future of facebook.
Another Brick in the Wall(garden)
One interesting thing to note... both myspace and facebook are proprietary walled gardens. They have lots of holes but can be plugged very quickly. It got me thinking of AOL - the original myspace and facebook... are we reverting to a walled garden all over again? AOL could have had this business and more if they weren't so concern about being family friendly.... They could have started a sister company LOA (lots of access) and still be in the game. I don't know about walled gardens though as the AOL experiment proves big corporate mindsets and innovation repel. As long as they stay somewhat open in allowing new content and freedom of expression then they should continue their momentum successfully this is because people have put a lot of time investment in their pages and this "ownership" will reduce churn in the face of restrictions - but their is a tipping point.
I Remain Open... I like the open model better (hence netvibes as a recommendation) and like them better for the long term. Besides with authoring mash ups on the rise we are just now seeing the beginning of the Web 2.34509758438 to nth power.... potential. See Techcrunch (one of my fav blogs) at
for a glimpse of what is to come...