Monday, January 29, 2007


Mondaynight01.29.07 003
Originally uploaded by akkdio.
This band started with "the thrill is gone"... which showcased the lead singers ample vocal chops. Clean and dirty when she needs it - Kristin's (sp?) voice carried well and backed by the blues notes softly flowing from the guitar - their sould was solid. Mom and Dad were in the house and lets face it folks - support for music starts in the home so heres to all the Mom's and Dads' out there suffering from anxiety about the future of their pride and joy but letting it go anyway... Things to consider: while having a good and a solid band it was clear they have not played together long...timing was off in parts. Also they did not show much stage presence. It will come with time or it won't no telling where it comes from. They could learn something from Flying Eyes the featured band of the night...

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