Monday, January 29, 2007

Oxygen Lab

Mondaynight01.29.07 018
Originally uploaded by akkdio.
I am not sure what to name this band and this brings out my pet peeve about all the bands that come on monday ... Guy/Gals bring a sign. I don't care if it is on a white poster in black magic marker!!!! Promotion starts with the little things. I tried to get this acts name but after several repeated questions am still not sure. I am told they are myspace but could not find them...

Ok the band: I liked their music. Very radio for the current rap scene. The lady on the announced she mixed the beats and interjected with authority. She had more to say in the second song and together they sounded pretty good. It should be noted that they had a sound track playing in the background.. It is very common for rap artist to do this. Bring a CD with full back up vocals and melodies and rap over it. Most mix themselves so this is the only way to play live. It is not much different than karaoke.

I will say that they were not very respectful of the other artist on before them. So on the whole while talented you get points off for disrespecting others trying to do their thing. Its a hard life enough.

1 comment:

Akkdio said...

Yes send me the blog address... I would like that very much.